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As of May 26th, public beaches, hotel pools, natural reserves, and golf courses have reopened in Puerto Rico with limited access. Please be aware that an island-wide curfew is still in place through June 15 during the hours of 7PM to 5AM AST.

Restaurants, churches, malls, and hair salons have also opened as part of the island’s four-phased reopening plan. Face masks are mandatory when in public. The health and safety of visitors and residents remain a top priority. Shopping centers and restaurants must enforce social distancing. The following steps have also gone into effect:

  • Arriving passengers to SJU airport may be asked to self-quarantine for 14 days no matter the symptoms.
  • The Puerto Rico National Guard is assisting with health screenings of all arriving passengers, including offering rapid COVID-19 testing. Visitors should check the latest travel advisory for more information.
  • Restaurants are open with a maximum occupancy of 25% in their dining rooms; temperature checks must be performed before entering; those with temperatures over 100.3 will be denied entry. Carry-out meals and delivery should be made available.
  • Attractions remain closed, with the exception of outdoor recreation spaces including public beaches, natural reserves, and golf courses which are limited to just exercise and non-contact sports only.
  • Shopping malls will enforce social distancing and require appointments to enter.
  • Hand sanitizing stations will be set up in targeted areas like entryways, elevators, banks, and high-traffic spots.
  • Cleaning and disinfection of surfaces will be augmented, while employees will be screened daily for symptoms.
  • Face coverings by employees and guests will be required in every establishment.
  • Properties like hotels will:
    • Conduct temperature checks, screen symptoms and disinfect luggage in reception areas upon entry.
    • Follow high standards of cleanliness with thorough housekeeping procedures that follow CDC and EPA standards.
    • Require face coverings for all guests and personnel in public areas.
  • Other non-essential businesses that gather groups, including movie theaters, casinos, gyms, playgrounds, valet services, will remain closed until further notice.

It is expected that the island will be open for visitors officially on June 15, 2020. We think any time after June 15. Vamonos is closely monitoring this situation and will keep our travelers updated.

For a one-page review of these procedures, please view these Discover Puerto Rico forms:


Thursday - Week 1327Mar.MontyYWaning Crescent

Disclaimer, Vamonos Tours Inc., and Vamonos Puerto Rico Inc. are not responsible for losses and/or injuries due to any activity or tour booking you make using information on this site. Events, locations, and tours are subject to change and we have no control over this. Please use common sense and ask good questions when making travel arrangements. For more information, please see our terms and conditions.